Video : Whole Body Iodine Sufficiency – Dr Jorge D. Flechas, MD –
A thought provoking somewhat controversial talk by another brave specialist in iodine. I guess it was to a general audience to get across the generality that iodine insufficiency and deficiency are growing problems with significant downstream heath implications, but with that in mind, another fascinating insight into the importance of iodine, and the levels of insufficiency and deficiency that abound.
Like Vitamin D, deficiency iodine intake and utilisation issues are global due to, falling levels in food, falling intakes, increased intake of factors that block uptake, thyroid function, or wider related function, compounded by deficiencies and imbalances in the modern diet and other factors such as uptake and function blockers from the environment and food chain. I have a thread here at that explores some of the above:
Large iodine doses should only be taken under medical supervision.
“Dr. Flechas is the Medical Director of Flechas Family Practice in Hendersonville, N.C. In addition to family practice, Dr. Flechas’ subspecialties include Iodine Therapy for thyroid and breast disorders, bioidentical hormone replacement for both men and women, and diagnosis and treatment of cardiac-related issues such as coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, and hypertension. Dr. Flechas has a Doctorate in Medicine and Masters Degree in Public Health from Loma Linda University in California.
As an international speaker, Dr. Flechas regularly speaks at medical conferences. His lectures have informed many doctors on new and effective treatment protocols for a wide spectrum of medical disorders. He has studied under Dr. Guy Abraham the art of health care from a the standpoint of treating the whole individual with the use of natural products. “
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