Video : Vitamin D Prevents Cancer: Is It True?
Carole Baggerly a woman of energy courage insight determination clarity of vision and humanity, has achieved amazing things in identifying the gaping chasm between research and implementation, and set out to find ways to promoting awareness of the significant amount of good research that indentifies Vitamin D deficiency (Link) is a monumentous health issue globally. Carole is a driving force in the organisation Grass Roots Health.
Carole has turned her own experience of breast cancer into a desire to improve the lot of others by highlighting the effects of vitamin D in health including breast cancer, and to provide public education into Vitamin D.
“In a new study, researchers at the UCSD School of Medicine and Moores Cancer Center used a complex computer prediction model to determine that intake of vitamin D3 and calcium would prevent 58,000 new cases of breast cancer and 49,000 new cases of colorectal cancer annually in the US and Canada. The researchers model also predicted that 75% of deaths from these cancers could be prevented with adequate intake of vitamin D3 and calcium. Join Carole Baggerly with GrassrootsHealth as she discusses this new research”
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