Project 2. Measure DHA and other lipids in plasma of Non-Westernised Groups
There is little data on the blood lipid levels of long chain Omega 3s in Africans groups with minimal western dietary influences. These groups are diminishing in numbers, the opportunities to obtain this data will lessen with time, and is of unique value as once these groups are gone they are unlikely to reemerge.
There is a very small amount of data on breast milk in African women but likely in the main to be in those with some western dietary influence.
There is a limited amount of research into genetic polymorhphisms of desaturase function.
It would be of enormous value to future generations, and wider populations of African descent to secure this data before it is too late.
We wish to promote the necessary studies to better understand DHA levels in African groups living traditional lifestyles and particularly those that do not have access to marine foods.
We have had discussions with a company that provided blood lipid analysis who have indicated they may be prepared to fund the tests if we could find ways of arranging collection and transport.
We have a member with connections with South West Africa and groups who are relatively free of western influence.
It is hoped to further this project, which could be combined with the wish to secure data on vitamin D levels in non-westernised groups including those in Africa.