Mission Statement
We aspire to:
– Honour visionaries of particular dedication foresight determination, in the field of human nutrition and health, including preservation of brain function so optimal neurological health, so species function behaviour and survival, including the indivisible and related subjects of agriculture, the importance of the soil, and ocean as a source of marine foods:
– To be free as far as is possible from economic and political pressures with the object of securing the physical and mental health of future generations.
– To assemble scientific knowledge on nutrition and health.
– To educate by dissemination of information being as far as possible an open and free information resource including helping locate or providing links or copies of older research and publications that might not other wise be easily accessible.
– To foster discussion through a facility to host blogs and a chat forum for topics related to the activities of the Society.
– To link to and or where possible provide free access to library material that is out or print and copyright and difficult or expensive to otherwise access.
– To catalyse nutritional education in Schools including the production of education video packs for use in schools that are authoritative, engaging and fun but create an understanding that food is essential to our biology so health and well-being.
– To encourage dialogue between the food industry, medical profession and government, including through conferences. Longer term we aspire in the future to host international conferences providing a forum to bring leaders in the food and agricultural industry in direct contact with the renowned nutritional researchers with a life times experience, to foster frank discussion on the current and future consequences of the effects of poor nutrition, including on brain function, IQ, empathy, abstract thought and behaviour, as well as wider health, and to seek pragmatic and realistic ways that food may be improved throughout the food chain.
– To foster discussion as to the role of governments in regulating for and or promoting the production distribution and sale of more nutritious food.
– To encourage initiate and bring focus on food related issues with wider impact such as degradation of the soil (link), recycling of human waste (link) and ocean acidification (link).
– To be able to bring focus on unfashionable areas of research that are important but and often have low commercial value and prospects, such as;
– development of ways to utilse rather than waste the precious minerals and other elements as well as organic matter in human waste. (link)
– research into Omega 3 blood lipid levels (link) and Vitamin D levels (link) in non-westernised groups to provide reference points as to likely pre-industrialisation levels; this information is of fundamental importance and these groups are fast disappearing.
– To regenerate the longstanding ‘Nutrition and Health’ Journal (link) of the McCarrison Society, which is included in the PubMed database, into a significant journal for papers related to nutrition and wider aspects, including neurological health and well-being, the growing and production or foods, and government nutritional interventions, that are solidly founded, and peer reviewed, but otherwise might not get published due to pressures consequent on view-points having become entrenched; by way of example ‘the roles of saturated fat in health and or disease’.
– To where possible provide speakers to take part in media debates intended to inform a wide audience of the importance of nutrition in maintaining good health.